I am a Dublin based Designer and Art Director specialising in experience design, with a strong grounding in graphic design. I believe in a thorough, research led process and exploring cross-disciplinary design solutions to find the best method of communication. I enjoy using new technology, or existing technology in an unconventional way, to find interesting and meaningful solutions to briefs.

I have led projects for Sonos, You Tube, Adobe, the Design Museum, The Eden Project, London Transport Museum and London College of Fashion among others.

I am currently lecturing at the National College of Art and Design, working with Communication Design students who are taking part in the Studio + year. This year allows students to begin developing a relationship with industry, through client briefs, live projects and internships.

In my spare time I make pots, you can see them here

To get in touch please email



Penguin Random House


You Tube

Design Museum

London College of Fashion


Eden Project


Ted Baker


London Transport Museum

London Fashion Week